Friday, March 21, 2008

Farts vs Burps

According to Mia, Burps don't exist. They are merely farts in the mouth. When she burped a week ago, she said "Mommy, I fahhhhhted in my mouth"....gave me a smirk and went about her business! What a goof!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Our DUH moment, pointed out to us by a 2 year old.

So, last night, Nick puts Mia to bed and I, Hanna. We are all done, and as Nick and I meet up afterwards downstairs, Nick tells me "Mia wants you to go in and see her". It's 8:45 and I think to myself, she's gotta be tired, and man, I'm tired, she'll fall asleep - end of story...
Or so I thought.
So, 45 minutes after Nick and I go to bed, we hear a door close. Nick goes to check on her. She is standing on the bunk bed ladder, blankie secured in her teeth, and both hands holding on. Nick asks her what she is doing.
She lets go with one hand, pulls the blankie out, and says in a "DUH" tone - "I'm climbing into my bed." (what did you THINK I was doing?!)
she then proceeded to explain that she has been waiting, waiting a LONG time for Mommy to come in. Damn, she remembered! Nick tells her to lay down and that Mommy will come in. She calmly tells him, "no, I'm going to SIT here and wait for Mommy to come".

I feel like I've been called into the principal's office - What the heck is going on? I go in and she is sweet, and she goes right to bed.

Apparently they don't forget anymore. Shoot. I can't play that card anymore. What cards do I have left?

My first post - WOW!

I had no idea I'd ever be starting a BLOG but I spend a lot of time on the computer and the journals I have collected over the years have all been coated with dust - and well, it's probably just not good for my health.
Kids are amazing creatures. I am realizing this more and more every day. Which is why I have decided to spend more time with them. ALL my time with them, you secretly ask? NO - I still need some time to BREATHE!! :)
If you know me, you know that as much as I love hanging out with Hanna and Mia, I also need to chill out with peers, you know the ones that don't call me Mommy and the ones that can carry on a conversation for more than 45 seconds until the next random thing catches their attention.
Back to the whole BLOG thing and my reasons for creating one: My kids are cracking me up, more lately than ever! Things are happening that make me laugh out loud and I can't seem to keep track of it all! And I know the 'mommy drain' has taken its toll, so there is no way I can trust myself with remembering...any of it.
So, here I am, and here is my BLOG.
Welcome - It's my chance to get my thoughts out and hear what others have to say as well. I am open for great dialogue and sharing thoughts and stories - I'd love to expand my perspective!